Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Nuestro Cine: Injustice in Mexico

This year’s edition of the South by Southwest Festival (SXSW) was held earlier this month and featured numerous talks, films, and musicians. We’ll look at one of the musical acts later this week. Today we’ll feature one of the documentaries that were presented at SXSW.

“Presunto Culpable” (Presumed Guilty) provides a unique look at the Mexican judicial system from the perspectives of two lawyers representing their accused murderer Tono Zuniga. The film is also “a searing indictment of a system where the Police do not have to investigate because the system presumes guilt” according to SXSW’s website.

“Presunto Culpable” received honors at the Guadalajara Film Festival and a deal may soon be worked out to feature it in foreign countries. For the time being please check out the trailer to this very interesting film:

Online Sources- Televisa, SXSW, YouTube

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